My Favorite Quote


Saturday, May 23, 2009

An Optimist Vs Pessimist

In life we often face many hurdles. When confronted with such difficulties there is always a way out and that way is achieved through positive thinking or in other words taking an optimistic approach to the problem we face!!
  • An optimist sees the best in the world, while a pessimist sees only the worst.

  • An optimist finds the positive in the negative, and a pessimist can only find the negative in the positive.

  • Optimists explain positive events as having happened because of them (internal) whereas a pessimists believe that negative events are caused by them (internal).

  • Optimist also see them as evidence that more positive things will happen in the future (stable), and in other areas of their lives (global) whereas pessimist believe that one mistake means more will come (stable), and mistakes in other areas of life are inevitable (global), because they are the cause.

  • Conversely, optimists see negative events as not being their fault (external). They also see them as being flukes (isolated) that have nothing to do with other areas of their lives or future events (local) whereas pessimist see positive events as flukes (local) that are caused by things outside their control (external) and probably won’t happen again (unstable).
A common contrast between Optimistic & Pessimistic View:

Have a close look at the above picture. There are two ways viewing it.

An optimist views it as a "half filled glass" whereas a pessimist views it as a "half empty glass".

So everything in this world can be viewed either optimistically or pessimistically.Even when confronted with difficulties just be optimistic n success is sure to strike you. Never degrade your ownself. Remember that "no one can degrade or discourage you other than your ownself".It's upto a person to decide as everything is only a state of mind.When you come to this realization the world is in your hands.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Avoid Frivolous Talks

Many times we simply talk for the sake of talking and for passing the time. We do not consider the real need. In a group of people some persons use to simply open a topic, mostly Political or Social issues and all the other persons will soon join the same and there will be heated arguments. This happens mostly in clubs, canteens, rail travels, offices and so on. They know that it is simply unproductive; but they cannot help avoid the same. It does not cost to talk and argue. So many of us talk to the extent we are able to talk until we become disgusted with our own self and call it off. Some persons would simply peep and drop into a group and start their pitch even without an invitation. Worse than this is, some persons will pull the passers by and invite for a chit-chat.

Keeping jaws glued is equally inappropriate:

Keeping Sullen faced without uttering a word in a group is equally inappropriate. We need to express our views when it warrants. Few words of profound importance uttered after a careful thought is always nice. This does not mean that we should think ten times before we talk. If we clearly notice we can find that Nine out of our Ten statements would have been unnecessary. Make your statements short, sweet, firm and humorous. After a long unworthy discussion, if you recall what you have uttered in the last few hours, you would find it to be more or less nothing worth mentioning. Many deep thinking people are of few words only.

No need to express your views spontaneously:

Many times we spontaneously reveal our views without the knowledge of the subject. When we are asked for a suggestion and our views on a subject for a solution, we can always seek some time to analyze and tell our views. And in case of our inability to arrive at an appropriate view we can honestly admit our inability. Or else we can express our views with appropriate caution stating the limitations.

You are judged by your Action, Deeds and also Words:

The higher our position in society, office and home every single act and word of us are important. Our words should be dignified to meet with our position. We need to maintain caution while we move with our lower strata group or else we will be doomed to be branded unworthy for our position.

Many know the rules of the game, but fall victim to the herd:

A group of people has always a special characteristic called “Dominating Effect”. People of low ebb and of least voice also become victim to the dominating effect of the group and raise their voice and fall as pray to the situation. It needs extra ordinary mind set to be aloof from a group and maintain our identity. A group is more or less a herd with respect to the prevailing situation and we should be cautious not to be trapped and become a victim of the group. An individual’s identity is always greater than a group’s identity. A group is more or less a herd.

A Smile is enough instead of a goofy and frivolous talk:

Talking consumes your energy. We should not waste it on goofy and frivolous talks. A smile is enough when someone pulls you for a frivolous discussion. Be humorous if you can. Great men are of few words.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother - "My Life"

A boy's best friend is his mother.
-- Joseph Stefano

A little girl, asked where her home was, replied, "where mother is."
-- Keith L. Brooks

A man loves his sweetheart the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest.
-- Irish Proverb

A mother holds her children's hands for a while...their hearts forever.
-- Author Unknown

A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie.
-- Tenneva Jordan

A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden, fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts.
-- Washington Irving

A mother understands what a child does not say.
-- Jewish proverb

A mother's arms are made of tenderness and children sleep soundly in them.
-- Victor Hugo

A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity, it dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path.
-- Agatha Christie

A mother's love liberates.
-- Maya Angelou

A mother,
There to support you,
And hold you up whenever you need her.
-- Laurel Stephens

All mothers are working mothers.
-- Author Unknown

All that I am or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.
-- Abraham Lincoln

And so our mothers and grandmothers have, more often than not anonymously, handed on the creative spark, the seed of the flower they themselves never hoped to see -- or like a sealed letter they could not plainly read.
-- Alice Walker

Any mother could perform the jobs of several air traffic controllers with ease.
-- Lisa Alther

Because I feel that in the heavens above
The angels, whispering one to another,
Can find among their burning tears of love,
None so devotional as that of "Mother,"
Therefore, by that dear name I have long called you,
You who are more than mother unto me.
-- Edgar Allan Poe

Before becoming a mother I had a hundred theories on how to bring up children. Now I have seven children and only one theory: Love them, especially when they least deserve to be loved.
-- Kate Samperi

Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs in my field, since the payment is pure love.
-- Mildred B. Vermont

Children and mothers never truly part -
Bound in the beating of each other's heart.
-- Charlotte Gray

Education commences at the mother's knee, and every word spoken within the hearing of little children tends towards the formation of character.
-- Hosea Ballou

Everybody wants to save the earth; nobody wants to help Mom with the dishes.
-- P.J. O'Rourke

God could not be everywhere, so he created mothers.
-- Jewish Proverb

Grown don't mean nothing to a mother. A child is a child. They get bigger, older, but grown? What's that suppose to mean? In my heart it don't mean a thing.
-- Toni Morrison

I know how to do anything - I'm a mom.
-- Rosanne Barr

I miss thee, my Mother! Thy image is still The deepest impressed on my heart.
-- Eliza Cook

I never knew how much love my heart could hold until someone called me "mommy."
-- Author Unknown

I think, at a child's birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift would be curiosity.
-- Eleanor Roosevelt

I thought my mom's whole purpose was to be my mom. That's how she made me feel.
-- Natasha Gregson Wagner

I'd rather be a mother than anyone on earth
Bringing up a child or two of unpretentious birth...
I'd rather tuck a little child all safe and sound in bed
than twine a chain of diamonds about my [carefree] head.
I'd rather wash a smudgy face with round, bright, baby eyes
Than paint the pageantry of fame or walk among the wise.
-- Meredith Gray

If at first you don't succeed, do it the way your mother told you to.
-- Author Unknown

It is not until you become a mother that your judgment slowly turns to compassion and understanding.
-- Erma Bombeck

It's so good to know that wherever you are, a Mom is with you in spirit and in love.
-- Author Unknown

It was when I had my first child that I understood how much my mother loved me.
-- From "For Mother - A Bouquet of Sentiments"

"M" is for the million things she gave me,
"O" means only that she's growing old,
"T" is for the tears she shed to save me,"H" is for her heart of purest gold;
"E" is for her eyes, with love-light shining,
"R" means right, and right she'll always be,
Put them all together, they spell "MOTHER,"
A word that means the world to me.
-- Howard Johnson

Most of all the other beautiful things in life come by twos and threes, by dozens and hundreds. Plenty of roses, stars, sunsets, rainbows, brothers and sisters, aunts and cousins, comrades and friends - but only one mother in the whole world.
-- Kate Douglas Wiggin

Mother is the name for God in the lips and hearts of little children.
-- William Makepeace Thackeray

Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible.
-- Marion C. Garretty

Mother - that was the bank where we deposited all our hurts and worries.
-- T. DeWitt Talmage

Mother's love grows by giving.
-- Charles Lamb

Mother's love is peace. It need not be acquired, it need not be deserved.
-- Erich Fromm

Motherhood has a very humanizing effect. Everything gets reduced to essentials.
-- Meryl Streep

Motherhood is not for the faint-hearted. Frogs, skinned knees, and the insults of teenage girls are not meant for the wimpy.
-- Danielle Steel

My mother had a slender, small body, but a large heart - a heart so large that everybody's joys found welcome in it, and hospitable accommodation.
-- Mark Twain

My mother is a poem
I'll never be able to write,
though everything I write
is a poem to my mother.
-- Sharon Doubiago

My mother is my root, my foundation. She planted the seed that I base my life on, and that is the belief that the ability to achieve starts in your mind.
-- Michael Jordan

No matter how old a mother is, she watches her middle-aged children for signs of improvement.
-- Florida Scott-Maxwell

Now, as always, the most automated appliance in a household is the mother.
-- Beverly Jones

One good mother is worth a hundred schoolmasters.
-- George Herbert

She never quite leaves her children at home, even when she doesn't take them along.
-- Margaret Culkin Banning

She was of the stuff of which great men's mothers are made. She was indispensable to high generation, hated at tea parties, feared in shops, and loved at crises.
-- Thomas Hardy

Some mothers are kissing mothers and some are scolding mothers, but it is love just the same, and most mothers kiss and scold together.
-- Pearl S. Buck

The greatest thing she'd learned over the years is that there's no way to be a perfect mother, but a million ways to be a good one.
-- Author Unknown

The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness.
-- Honoré de Balzac

The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.
-- Rajneesh

The mother's heart is the child's school-room.
-- Henry Ward Beecher

The patience of a mother might be likened to a tube of toothpaste - it's never quite all gone.
-- Author Unknown

The strength of motherhood is greater than natural laws.
-- Barbara Kingsolver

The sweetest sounds to mortals given
Are heard in Mother, Home, and Heaven.
-- William Goldsmith Brown

There is only one pretty child in the world, and every mother has it.
-- Chinese Proverb

What took me by surprise is the way I feel when her face lights up when I walk into a room because I am her world and she is mine. Being a mother is like taking your heart out of your chest and watching it walk around.
-- Author Unknown

When I was a child, my mother said to me, 'If you become a soldier, you'll be a general. If you become a monk you'll end up as the pope.' Instead I became a painter and wound up as Picasso.
-- Pablo Picasso

When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child.
-- Sophia Loren

Who ran to help me when I fell,
And would some pretty story tell,
Or kiss the place to make it well?
My mother.
-- Ann Taylor

Women do not have to sacrifice personhood if they are mothers. They do not have to sacrifice motherhood in order to be persons. Liberation was meant to expand women's opportunities, not to limit them. The self-esteem that has been found in new pursuits can also be found in mothering.
-- Elaine Heffner

Women know The way to rear up children (to be just)
They know a simple, merry, tender knack
Of tying sashes, fitting baby shoes,
And stringing pretty words that make no sense,
And kissing full sense into empty words.
-- Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Women who miscalculate are called mothers.
-- Abigail Van Buren

You may have tangible wealth untold;
Caskets of jewels and coffers of gold.
Richer than I you can never be
I had a mother who read to me.
-- Strickland Gillilan

Youth fades; love droops; the leaves of friendship fall; A mother's secret hope outlives them all.
-- Oliver Wendell Holmes


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Eckhart Tolle - A short Biography

Spiritual Teacher and author was born in Germany and educated at the Universities of London and Cambridge. At the age of twenty-nine a profound inner transformation radically changed the course of his life. The next few years were devoted to understanding, integrating and deepening that transformation, which marked the beginning of an intense inward journey. Later, he began to work in London with individuals and small groups as a counselor and spiritual teacher. Since 1995 he has lived in Vancouver, Canada.

Eckhart Tolle is the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller The Power of Now (translated into 33 languages) and the highly acclaimed follow-up A New Earth, which are widely regarded as two of the most influential spiritual books of our time.

Eckhart’s profound yet simple teachings have already helped countless people throughout the world find inner peace and greater fulfillment in their lives. At the core of the teachings lies the transformation of consciousness, a spiritual awakening that he sees as the next step in human evolution. An essential aspect of this awakening consists in transcending our ego-based state of consciousness. This is a prerequisite not only for personal happiness but also for the ending of violent conflict endemic on our planet.

Eckhart is a sought-after public speaker and teaches and travels extensively throughout the world. Many of his talks, intensives and retreats are published on CD and DVD. Most of the teachings are given in English, but occasionally Eckhart also gives talks in German and Spanish. In addition to The Power of Now and A New Earth, Eckhart has written a book designed for meditative reading entitled Stillness Speaks. A book consisting of selections from The Power of Now is also available, entitled Practicing the Power of Now.

"I am currently reading his book 'The power of now' which is really fascinating. If possible you try reading it...Really enlightening......." - G.VIVEK VENKATESH

Friday, May 1, 2009

Distinctive Profile of India 2020

1. A Nation where the rural and urban divide has reduced to a thin line.

2. A Nation where there is an equitable distribution and adequate access to energy and quality water.

3. A Nation where agriculture, industry and service sector work together in symphony.

4. A Nation where education with value system is not denied to any meritorious candidates because of societal or economic discrimination.

5. A Nation which is the best destination for the most talented scholars, scientists, and investors.

6. A Nation where the best of health care is available to all.

7. A Nation where the governance is responsive, transparent and corruption free.

8. A Nation where poverty has been totally eradicated, illiteracy removed and crimes against women and children are absent and none in the society feels alienated.

9. A Nation that is prosperous, healthy, secure, devoid of terrorism, peaceful and happy and continues with a sustainable growth path.

10. A Nation that is one of the best places to live in and is proud of its leadership through creative and effective leadership in Parliament, State Assemblies and other institutions of the State.

- Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam