My Favorite Quote


Monday, May 18, 2009

Avoid Frivolous Talks

Many times we simply talk for the sake of talking and for passing the time. We do not consider the real need. In a group of people some persons use to simply open a topic, mostly Political or Social issues and all the other persons will soon join the same and there will be heated arguments. This happens mostly in clubs, canteens, rail travels, offices and so on. They know that it is simply unproductive; but they cannot help avoid the same. It does not cost to talk and argue. So many of us talk to the extent we are able to talk until we become disgusted with our own self and call it off. Some persons would simply peep and drop into a group and start their pitch even without an invitation. Worse than this is, some persons will pull the passers by and invite for a chit-chat.

Keeping jaws glued is equally inappropriate:

Keeping Sullen faced without uttering a word in a group is equally inappropriate. We need to express our views when it warrants. Few words of profound importance uttered after a careful thought is always nice. This does not mean that we should think ten times before we talk. If we clearly notice we can find that Nine out of our Ten statements would have been unnecessary. Make your statements short, sweet, firm and humorous. After a long unworthy discussion, if you recall what you have uttered in the last few hours, you would find it to be more or less nothing worth mentioning. Many deep thinking people are of few words only.

No need to express your views spontaneously:

Many times we spontaneously reveal our views without the knowledge of the subject. When we are asked for a suggestion and our views on a subject for a solution, we can always seek some time to analyze and tell our views. And in case of our inability to arrive at an appropriate view we can honestly admit our inability. Or else we can express our views with appropriate caution stating the limitations.

You are judged by your Action, Deeds and also Words:

The higher our position in society, office and home every single act and word of us are important. Our words should be dignified to meet with our position. We need to maintain caution while we move with our lower strata group or else we will be doomed to be branded unworthy for our position.

Many know the rules of the game, but fall victim to the herd:

A group of people has always a special characteristic called “Dominating Effect”. People of low ebb and of least voice also become victim to the dominating effect of the group and raise their voice and fall as pray to the situation. It needs extra ordinary mind set to be aloof from a group and maintain our identity. A group is more or less a herd with respect to the prevailing situation and we should be cautious not to be trapped and become a victim of the group. An individual’s identity is always greater than a group’s identity. A group is more or less a herd.

A Smile is enough instead of a goofy and frivolous talk:

Talking consumes your energy. We should not waste it on goofy and frivolous talks. A smile is enough when someone pulls you for a frivolous discussion. Be humorous if you can. Great men are of few words.

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